Behind the Bima

Special Guests - Meet the Yeshiva of South Florida

Episode Notes

YESHIVA OF SOUTH FLORIDA is designed to continue the path of growth in Avodas Hashem and Talmud Torah that Talmidim cultivated while learning in Eretz Yisrael. Our goal is to create a Makom Torah where Talmidim can thrive and develop into Talmidei Chachamim, Bnei Aliyah and Bnei Torah for life. 

00:00 - Intro 
16:16 - Interviews 
1:32:38 - Outro 

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: Rabbi, Boca Raton Synagogue (BRS). 
Rabbi Philip Moskowitz: Associate Rabbi, BRS. 
Rabbi Josh Broide: Outreach Rabbi, BRS.